Monday, August 10, 2009

Switzerland Trip Event #3

Please Pass the Chocolate!

On Saturday night we met up with Jared at his friend's sister's house. We stayed there for two nights. The family was extremely kind to us and very hospitable. One thing that we witnessed while we were there was how much chocolate is a part of the Swiss life. Some version of chocolate was served at each meal, and not just at dessert. I ate more chocolate in those two days than I have in six months! Would you like:

  • chocolate sandwich (bread and Nutella)
  • chocolate muslii (dry oatmeal with chocolate)
  • chocolate yogurt
  • chocolate milk
  • chocolate squares (served as a side dish)
  • chocolate soup (melted chocolate bars on top of ice cream)

We did eat healthy food too, but if you want to feel Swiss at breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack time, don't forget the chocolate!


Krista said...

I think I need to move there. And I'm sure their chocolate more healthy, right?

Christian said...

What fun! And Swiss chocolate is sooo yummy!

Christian said...

And I just realized I'm signed in as Christian. :) It's me, Meg.

Unknown said...

Ahh, that sounds so good right now, especially the Nutella. You all look so good. I hope you all are enjoying life.