Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hi all. I have been horrible with blogging this last month. Don't worry. I'll be back on in about two weeks with plenty to write about and pictures too. Right now we are getting ready to move to a different part of Denmark in the Jutland Peninsula (can't recall the name of the town). We are in moving mode, and having all the feelings that come with it. Wish us luck and good providence!


Krista said...

Wow! Good luck, but you are pretty organized so I'm sure you'll do well. I'm sorry you'll be missing the friends you've made.
I'm thinking of you.

Aneesa Bee said...

good luck--I hope the move goes well. I also hope you move to Cache Valley when you're done--it's kind of on the way to the Jutland Peninsula, isn't it?

Meg said...

I'll be thinking of you all! Good luck. Wish I was there to help pack. Miss you!

Mandy Beyeler said...

Hope everything goes well! Keep us updated - we love checking in on you.