Monday, November 30, 2009

Recycling the Danish Way

We wanted to try out Danish kiosk recycling, so our good friend Theresa gave Ben and Lizzie lots of soda bottles. We sorted them and then took them to the store.

At the store there is a recycling kiosk. The kids took turns feeding the bottles into the mouth of the machine. The machine scans the bottles, then removes the labels, and further sorts. When they were done they pushed a button and got a receipt. Then they took the receipt to a store clerk and got some money...about 60 kroner (about $12.00 US). So here in Denmark, it pays to recycle.
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Meg said...

Wow, that' awesome! Wish they did that here. :)

Meg said...

I pulled up your pictures bigger and see that you have wood floors! Lucky! (in my best Napolean Dynamite voice) I can't wait until we can get wood floors sometime in our life. I love them so much!