Saturday, November 7, 2009

We don't have a bathtub in our house (Danish quirk). So we finally bought a baby tub for Johnathan as he is too big for the kitchen sink now. Here he is kicking back and relaxing. Ben and Liz got right in when John was done. I was actually jealous: one of my "when I get back to the states" plans is to have a long soak in a bathtub.
Our Johnnie is five months old now, and taking to rice cereal very well. I'm not surprised, as the baby cereals have milk sugar and vanilla in them. Lucky guy!
The weather has shifted to chilly, bone-chilling. Here Liz and I chatter on the beach on Folle Strand (near Aarhus). We stayed there for a week while Jacob and his Riso team took measurements at the power plant. It was a long, but vital week for Jacob and his dissertation research.
Ben has discover his ability to entertain John. And John rewards Ben with an abundance of giggles.
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Krista said...

These are fun pictures! Ben looks like a great older brother.