Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Midsummer's Eve

Last night we drove around to get a peek at the celebration of Sankt Hans/St. John's Eve/Midsummer's Eve. This is the day when the birth of John the Baptist is celebrated. There were lots of bonfires (to ward off evil spirits) along the beaches and in other places. On top of each bonfire is a witch (made of straw and cloth). We also heard bits and peices of people singing the Midsummer hymn "Vi elsker vort land..." ("We Love Our Country") and saw the fireworks from afar. Cool, huh?

A Blessing for God's Gift

Jacob blessed our little Johnathan Ernest on June 21. We were so grateful that Jacob's parents were here for it.


A couple from our church ward invited us over for dinner last Friday. At the end of the meal, sisters from our church ward started showing up with presents. They threw me a baby shower. Everyone was very thoughtful and generous. I now have plenty of clothes and bedding. Yea!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Playing in our backyard

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beautiful Denmark

To get to some parts of Denmark, you have to cross over bridges. This is a picture of a lighthouse just before a bridge.

Our Territory

Here are Ben and Liz at Market Day in our town Roskilde. Market Day is Wed. and Sat. and we go there each week for produce like carrots and tomatoes. We already have found our favorite booth. The kids love market day and the man who runs the booth sometimes gives them a free sample of his vegetables and fruits. This is the Cathedral that is in Roskilde. Roskilde used to be the capital of Denmark. Ben gets excited each time we see it, as he thinks its a castle and that there is a princess in the highest room of the tallest tower waiting to be rescued. Liz and Ben love it when Dad comes home. That is when they can wrestle and do all the physical stuff that I avoid during the day. This is in our back yard.

Ben and Liz in front of the back of our home.
