Saturday, April 25, 2009

Crazy Days

I just wanted to let you know a few of the things that happened this week.

  • On Monday I spent three hours digging up dandelion weeds (part of our managing job), only to wake up on Tuesday to more. Spent half an hour on Tuesday, and then woke up to more on Wednesday. Then my dad told me that you have to spray them to get rid of them and that two more come up after you dig up one. So I've quit!
  • I sorted through yet another part of our house (a job that seems to never end) and boxed up a good portion of the kids room.
  • My parents (Brenda and Kerry) came to help Wednesday and Thursday and we all made a huge dent with our moving plans. We took four loads to our storage unit with my dad's truck. It was so wonderful to get to see them. We said our goodbyes to my parent's on Thursday, which was pretty emotional. For anyone who doesn't know, my parents are going to be serving a mission in the Pocatello Idaho area for one year, and we will be in Denmark for one year.
  • Amidst all this activity, I took Ben and Liz to the dentist and the doctor for routine exams before we leave the country and went to the chiropractor.
  • On Thursday I went to Ogden for my niece Sunnie's bridal shower and visited with her family. It was a great night.
  • We got up early on Friday to take Ben to get two small cavities filled at the surgical center. One of those small cavities turned out to be a toddler root canal, and they doctor also found one more cavity to fill in addition to the others. Poor guy!
  • Jacob spent all day Friday in Salt Lake getting Process Burner Operation Training. I sorted through the kids clothes a second time.

So step by step we are getting ready to leave the country and make our big move to Denmark. It has been a wild ride so far and is only getting wilder. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Moving to Denmark

Roskilde, Denmark (where we will live)

Jacob is in the middle of getting his doctorate degree in chemical engineering at BYU. As part of his research/schooling, he will work with Dong Energy and Risø National Laboratory in Denmark for one year. He will take measurements in power plants. All of this work is focused on replacing fossil fuels (coal) with biomass (straw and wood chips) and waste in power and heat generation. Biomass is a CO2 neutral fuel.

We are all flying out on May 5th. Our Baby #3 will be born there. We are nervous about all the different adjustments of being in a new country, but we are also grateful for this opportunity to grow and see a different part of the world.

Our Benny Boy

So Benjamin has been playing make-believe lately. He likes it best when he can combine all of his favorite characters and become Mr. Woody/Kung Fu Panda/Shrek. The other shots are after Jacob got the urge to cram one of my knee-highs over Ben's head. It was a bit quirky/freaky/funny. Jacob even fit the knee-high over his head, but that was way too scary to document.
